Sondernewsletter zur Walk21 Konferenz in Wien

Walk21 in Wien - Programmtipps
20. bis 23.10.2015 | Wiener Rathaus

Einige Hinweise aus dem umfangreichen Programm
für Kommunen und PlanerInnen



Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Werte am Zu-Fuß-Gehen Interessierte, hat sich das sehr umfangreiche Programm der Walk21 Vienna durchgesehen.
Das Programm bietet ein Feuerwerk des Wissens und der Erfahrungen.
Wir haben als Service für Sie einen Ausschnitt einiger Programmpunkte zusammengestellt, welcher für Kommunen, PlanerInnen und MitarbeiterInnen der administrativen Verwaltung als Programmtipp für Ihren jeweiligen Arbeitsbereich bzw. als Hinweis für interessante Inhalte zu verstehen ist.

Öffentlicher Raum und Umgestaltungen

  • Shared space: design, user perception and performance. An evidence-based analysis of The Exhibition Road Project in London
    Borja Ruiz-Apilánez, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
    (Di., 20.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Strategies for public space in Vienna
    Lena Schlager, City of Vienna, Austria, Elisabeth Irschik, City of Vienna, Austria
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Round Table)
  • Principal Pedestrian Network Demonstration Project: Proving the effectiveness of a methodology for planning a strategic walking network
    Kristie Howes Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport, Resources Melbourne, Australia
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Munich's 20 years of 'Temporary Public Spaces' for walking, talking & culture on large radial urban streets - What's next?
    Benjamin David, die urbanauten, Germany
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • How Walkability Truly Creates a Liveable City for All Ages
    Fred & Susie Bondi, Austria/USA
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Plenary)
  • Encounter zones in Austria: Mixed traffic at low speed to create attractive public spaces
    Michael Szeiler, Rosinak & Partner, Austria
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Walking into trouble: A shocking story of how Great Britain forgot the needs of the blind in shared space roads!
    Sarah Gayton, Sea of Change Film, UK
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Cool Actions: The participatory design process of Vienna's pedestrian way finding system
    Martin Fößleitner,, Austria
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Pecha Kucha)
  • From 'nowhere' to now here'?! Concepts and projects to improve public spaces in Munich
    Martin Klamt, City of Munich, Germany
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Pecha Kucha)
  • aspern: Vienna's Urban Lakeside - an attractive public space despite tight budgets
    Vera Layr, City of Vienna, Austria
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Round Table)
  • Behaviour of pedestrians and traffic in shared spaces - Lessons learnt from a study of schemes across the United Kingdom
    Chris Oakley, Crowd Dynamics International, UK
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Perception of barriers and their influence on mobility behaviour of pedestrians in Vienna
    Flora Strohmeier, Austrian Road Safety Board, Austria
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Open Space Network Vienna: Adding value by networking the city with public green areas
    Isabel Wieshofer, City of Vienna, Austria
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Round Table)
  • Walking as the main mode of transport in Donostia, San Sebastian: Innovative measures - new public spaces
    Fermin Echarte, San Sebastian Municipality, Spain
    (Fr., 23.10.2015, Pecha Kucha)

Wirtschaftliche Aspekte des Zu-Fuß-Gehens und Methoden

  • The meaning of walking for economy and commerce
    Andrea Faast, Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Austria
    (Di., 20.10.2015, Workshop)
  • Developing a walkability economic assessment tool for urban planning
    Peter Newman, Curtin University, Australia
    (Di., 20.10.2015, Workshop)
  • Does under-reporting of pedestrian accidents negatively bias policies for safe walking?
    Gerald Furian, Austrian Road Safety Board, Austria
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Speed Dating)
  • Planning for pedestrians: The new Austrian guidelines for walking facilities
    Bernd Hildebrandt, Austrian Road Safety Board, Austria
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Round Table)
  • A method of quantifying the benefits of walking, measuring the quality and pedestrian experience of walking routes and public space.
    Brett Little, PTV Group, Germany
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Effectiveness of road measures in decreasing pedestrian injuries in Hungary
    Emese Mako, Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Bologna pedestrian wayfinding: a mental orientation system
    Fred Gangemi, Steer Davies Gleave, UK
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Workshop)

Gesundheit und Gehen

  • Happy City - Transforming our Lives Through Urban Design
    Charles Montgomery, Author and Journalist, Canada
    (Di., 20.10.2015, Plenary)
  • Facing an ageing population – approaches to secure urban mobility
    Sabine Baumgart, TU Dortmund University, Germany
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Walkability for Healthy Ageing assessment tool and pilot
    Jonna Monaghan, Belfast Healthy Cities, UK
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Supporting a world first: The Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013
    Kevin Golding-Williams, Living Streets, UK
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • PEP-Transport Health and Environment: Pan-European Program
    Matthias Rinderknecht, Federal Office for Transport, Switzerland
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Workshop)
  • This City Goes on a Diet
    Mick Cornett, Mayor of Oklahoma City, United States
    (Fr., 23.10.2015, Plenary)


  • Eindhoven en route
    Herman Kerkdijk, Urban Planning Department Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Walk plan of Plaine Commune - France
    Zo Rakotonirina, CEREMA, France
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • The Pedestrian at rest: identifying missing benches
    Jenny Leuba, Pedestrian Mobility Switzerland, Switzerland
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Speed Dating)
  • Walkability in Austria - promoting walking
    Martina Strasser,, Austria
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Speed Dating)
  • Celebrating Great Public Spaces
    Maria Vassilakou, Deputy Mayor City of Vienna, Austria, Austria
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Plenary)
  • Smart Mobility Links - Inspiration for local authorities
    Elke Bossaert, Mobiel 21, Belgium
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Round Table)
  • A walkable urban region: implementing measures at every scale
    Anne Faure, Association Rue de l'Avenir, France
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Round Table)
  • The Austrian National Walking Strategy
    Robert Thaler, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Austria
    Franz Schwammenhöfer, Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, Austria

    (Do., 22.10.2015, Plenary)
  • Let’s Get Scotland Walking – everyone, everyday, everywhere!
    Rona Gibb, Paths for All, UK
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Prague Public Space Design Manual as a first step towards quality public spaces and city of short distances
    Marek Kundrata, Prague Institute of Planning and Development, Czech Republic
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Pecha Kucha)
  • The evolution and transformation of the city center of Nantes by giving pedestrians their space back
    Hadrien Bedok, Nantes Métropole, France
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Pecha Kucha)
  • What is the role of walking in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans? The Spanish case study
    Mateus Schettino, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Round Table)
  • Kunna, vilja, veta, våga: The Stockholm Pedestrian Plan
    Sara Malm, Stockholm City Traffic Administration, Sweden
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • The first step - strategic concepts allow for a walkable city
    Andreas Trisko, City of Vienna, Austria
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Breakout Session))
  • How far people are willing to walk to Public Transport? A case study in Munich City
    Rumana Islam Sarker, Technical University of Munich, Germany
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Human Scale and Resilient Structures - The Impact on Walking
    Harald Frey, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Plenary)
  • Götgatan - rapid and transformative reallocation of roadspace to deliver Stockholm's sustainable urban mobility plan
    Daniel Firth, City of Stockholm, Sweden
    (Fr., 23.10.2015, Workshop)
  • Emphasizing pedestrians in Vienna's Urban Mobility Plan
    Gregory Telepak, City of Vienna, Austria
    (Fr., 23.10.2015, Workshop)
  • A partnership approach to creating a walkable city – Edinburgh’s Walkability Action Plan
    Zoe Niven, Paths for All, UK
    (Fr., 23.10.2015, Pecha Kucha)

Kampagnen und Bewusstseinsbildung

  • Developing a culture of inclusive planning and experimentation: Encouraging urban interventions and walk audits
    Minh-Chau Tran, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
    (Mi. 21.10.2015, Pecha Kucha)
  • European Mobility Week 2015: A worldwide campaign on sustainable mobility and the secrets of the Austrian success story
    Irene Schrenk, Climate Alliance Austria, Austria
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Pecha Kucha)
  • Walking into the future: are kids getting the best deal with neighbourhood design?
    Beverly Sandalack, University of Calgary, Canada
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Round Table)
  • How do the interests of pedestrians and public transport in cities go together?
    Barbara Auer, Canton Basel-Stadt, Switzerland
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Speed Dating)
  • Bingo! How to make walking a 'sexy' subject
    Rauno Andreas Fuchs, Green City Projekt, Germany
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Speed Dating)
  • 'Tag des guten Lebens' - Give streets back to the people
    Ralph Herbertz, KölnAgenda e.V. / VCD, Germany
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Speed Dating)
  • Walking is enjoyment: An awareness campaign for making walking attractive
    Dieter Schwab,, Austria
    (Mi., 21.10.2015, Speed Dating)
  • Viva la Pedestrian Revolution!
    Peatónito, Superhero and Pedestrian Activist, Mexico
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Plenary)
  • How does this neighbourhood measure up? Using walking audits to measure, engage and advocate
    Paul Young, Public Space Workshop, Canada
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Bottom-up, small-scale, and transdisciplinary. Proposals for improving pedestrian mobility in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa
    Ernst Bosina, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Breakout Session)
  • Pedestrians and other public space users: coping with conflicts
    Geert van Waeg, International Federation of Pedestrians, Belgium
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Workshop)
  • Incentives and barriers to walking
    Karin Ausserer, Factum, Austria
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Round Table)
  • Moving towards Inclusion: How to guarantee equal and fair mobility for everyone
    Erwin Bauer, buero bauer, Austria
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Pecha Kucha)
  • Walking by necessity - a special form of mobility poverty in post- socialist cities
    András Ekés, Metropolitan Research Institute, Hungary
    (Do., 22.10.2015, Pecha Kucha)
  • Evaluating the walkability of cities in China
    Judy Li, Natural Resources Defense Council, China
    (Fr., 23.10.2015, Breakout Session)


Im Rahmen der "Walkshops" – den Workshops in gehender Form – empfehlen wir insbesondere:


Bregenz Pipeline Walkshop 01: "Neubauer Durchgänge – public spaces, piazzas and passageways"

Thomas Blimlinger (District Chairperson of the 7th district),
Jutta Kleedorfer (Vienna City Administration Department for Urban Development and Planning)

Photo Credit:                                                   

Walkshop 5 Walkshop 05: "A city in transition: Vienna’s green Prater, its new university campus and the residential area ‘Viertel 2'"

Andreas Trisko (Vienna City Administration, Department for Urban Development and Planning),
Ute Schaller (Chief Executive Office for Urban Planning, Development and Construction)

Photo Credit: City of Vienna, MA18

Walkshop 12 Walkshop 12: "In between cultures: The transformation of the Brunnenmarkt market and its neighbourhood"

Elisabeth Alexander (Vienna City Administration, Department for Road Management and Construction),
supported by Kurt Smetana (Gebietsbetreuung – Urban Renewal Office)

Photo Credit:

Walkshop 13 Walkshop 13: "Vienna’s new central railway station as a catalyst for urban development"

Hans-Christian Heintschel (Vienna City Administration, Chief Executive Office for Urban Planning, Development and Construction),
Andreas Schwab (City of Vienna),
supported by Christoph Gollner (Gebietsbetreuung – Urban Renewal Office)

Photo Credit:

Walkshop 16 Walkshop 16: "Vienna’s fairground, Stuwerviertel and the urban development area Nordbahnviertel"

Alexandra Madreiter (Vienna City Administration, Department for District Planning and Land Use),
supported by Andrea Mann (Gebietsbetreuung – Urban Renewal Office)

Photo Credit: City of Vienna, MA21 – Christian Fürthner

Walkshop 17 Walkshop 17: "Seestadt aspern: Europe’s largest urban development area"

Lukas Lang and Marvin Mitterwallner (Wien 3420 aspern development AG),
Very Layr (Vienna City Administration, Department for Road Management and Construction),
Nikolaus Summer (Vienna City Administration, Chief Executive Office for Urban Planning, Development and Construction)

Photo Credit: Wien3420

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Mit fußgängerfreundlichen Grüßen,

Dieter Schwab, Obmann, Martina Strasser & das Team in Kooperation mit: | Der österreichische Verein für Fußgängerinnen | ZVR 078105059 | Bennogasse 10/22, 1080 Wien